

週末醒來已過了早餐時間,先餵飽了小魚,不一會兒我的肚子也開始唱空城計,轉頭看看Casey,暗示他是不是可以開始準備午餐了 ... ...



1. 鹹蛋、皮蛋各1顆,滾水煮10分鐘後去殼切成小丁。
2. 紅辣椒1-2條去籽,小紅蔥頭3粒,少許香菜,以上皆切成碎末。
3. 新鮮虎蝦或大蝦10-12隻,蝦肉去殼以刀將蝦背劃開清出腸泥。
4. 1小匙糖及2大匙水。
5. 1小匙太白粉和入1大匙水調勻成太白粉水。

1. 起火後在鍋中放入約3大匙油,將辣椒及蔥頭放入油鍋爆香。
2. 接著放入鹹蛋及皮蛋碎末拌炒約30秒後,再加入蝦肉拌炒30秒。
3. 加入2大匙水後加蓋,悶燒約3分鐘後再掀蓋繼續拌炒約1分鐘。
4. 最後加入糖、香菜末、太白粉水後,拌炒10約秒後起鍋。

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Dear Iris & Casey,

We have tried your recommended recipe and it was so good - thank you! I do have one question - the kind of prawns (or crayfish more often than not) we get here are much larger and less strength in taste - not like the kind we get back in Singapore, would you recommend longer cooking time and stronger favoring?

Thanks again!

Iris Hsieh 提到...

Dear Mel,

The recipe works for any kinds of main ingredients - be it little shrimps or large lobster (although I prefer the former for it's better tastes). It's not the size but the type i.e. Asian tiger prawns gives much firmer texture and better aromas when lightly fried compared to their larger cousins. So if you must use larger crayfish, I suggest you pre-boil them lightly (like 1 minute over boiling water with drops of cooking oil) and drains them thoroughly before frying. As for flavoring, saltier doesn't mean better.. you might want to look for stronger salted eggs instead of salt. Let me know if you need to chat more.. happy to share!


匿名 提到...

Dear Casey & Iris,

Thanks for the tips! :)
